How to Chase Storms Safely

Many people go out and storm chase without much knowledge about storm structure. The goal of this page is to educate people so those who choose to chase will be able to do so with knowledge on their side adding to their safety.

  • How do I forecast a severe weather event days ahead?

  • How do I forecast where to chase?

  • What equipment should I take with on a chase?

  • Who should I take with me on a chase?

  • Now that I am on the road, where do I go?

  • Now that I have found the thunderstorms, how do I keep myself safe?

  • Where do I find the tornado?

  • I found a tornado! How do I photograph it?

  • Now that the chase is over, is there anything I should do?

  • What is chasers etiquette?

  • Good references for how to chase safely.

Part of the group of weather pages.

DISCLAIMER: Remember storm chasing exposes chasers to many hazardous and potentially deadly weather conditions such as lightning, dangerous roads, damaging winds, hail, and flying debris which puts the chaser's life at risk, particularly those who
have little or no experience and/or storm structure education. Learning to deal with these is best done by understanding supercells and thunderstorms, and riding with an experienced chaser before attempting to chase on their own. The author of these pages does not encourage storm chasing and is therefore not responsible for any actions as a result of what is seen here!

For questions or comments about this page, please visit our "Contact Us" page.

Created by Adam Frederick,
Content and Images (unless otherwise noted) Copyright 1999 Adam Frederick

Last updated 07/1/99 09:10 PM